Friday, August 3, 2012


    My OU Sooner friends don't have to worry...this isn't a post about OSU Cowboys.  It is about the color orange, which happens to be the color for the Leukemia Awareness Ribbon.  It's just convenient for me that I happen to be an OSU fan and have a few orange t-shirts already in my possession.
   As a public service, I felt inclined to inform everyone of the variety of causes you could support when you wear orange if you wanted to cycle through the causes to which you lend your support. Those causes, in addition to leukemia and OSU, are hunger, feral cats, diversity and racial tolerance, motorcycle safety, Multiple Sclerosis, Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and Northern Samaria (Israel), and many more.  Check out Awareness Ribbon Colors And Meanings to find a pretty impressive list of many colors with many meanings.
  I have a sweet friend who has changed her facebook pic to an orange Leukemia Awareness Ribbon.  I know this means she love me, because she is very much a crimson and cream person (OU) . I believe this is the only reason she's every worn orange on purpose. You know who you are and YOU ROCK!
   Okay, today's public service announcement is over. I'm done!

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