I hesitated to start this book because I thought I already was familiar enough with the vine and branches illustration. While at a conference, I won a tour of a vineyard, so I thought, “Are you trying to tell me something, Lord?” Before reading this book I knew a vineyard grew grapes and produced wine. I was aware of the illustration Jesus used in John 15, but never really thought much about it aside from the branches needing the vine to survive and thrive. Secrets of the Vine for Women by Darlene Marie Wilkinson provides an understanding of the levels of fruitfulness of the Christian walk and the way to truly abide in Christ. Using portions of a fictional story of a vinedresser’s daughter and her visit to her father’s vineyard, Wilkinson draws the parallels between the development of a vineyard with the development of fruit in a believer’s life. The book is an easy read, but I would suggest it be taken a chapter at a time in order to let the truths revealed in each page take root in your life. There is a study guide provided that lends itself to both individual and group study. The book discusses fruit, more fruit,and much fruit (There is a difference!); pruning and its benefits; and abiding deeply. In practical terms, Wilkinson explains these “secrets” so each can be lived out daily to have a more intimate walk with Christ. There is a chart that summarizes the three seasons in God’s vineyard. This book would appeal to the woman just beginning her faith journey as well as the woman who has traveled with Christ for years and desires to walk closer to Him daily.
I received thsi book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
On The Home Front - September 2, 2016
8 years ago